Women’s Conference 2024

October 4th & 5th

27165 San Bernardino Ave, Redlands, CA 92374


Susie Larson - Speaker

Susie Larson is a talk radio host, national speaker, and bestselling author. In both 2016 and 2017 Susie was nominated and voted into the top ten groups for the National John Maxwell Leadership Award. Susie has been married to her dear husband Kevin since 1985 and together they have three wonderful sons, three beautiful daughters-in-law, two beautiful grandchildren, and one adorable pit bull named Memphis. Susie’s passion is to see women everywhere awakened to the value of their soul, the depth of God’s love, and the height of their calling in Christ Jesus.

Kinsey Rose - Music Artist

Kinsey Rose was brought into the national spotlight when she appeared on NBC Season 21 of The Voice. She was chosen by Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton where Clarkson used her only block to put Kinsey on her team. During the Battle Rounds, Kinsey made Voice history with three steals and a save by Kelly Clarkson, Blake Shelton, Ariana Grande, and John Legend. Rose, originally from Kentucky, got an early start in music singing and playing piano, guitar, and viola. She found at the age of ten that she had a gift for writing songs. Since then her songwriting has earned much respect and acclaim worldwide. Rose began her professional career singing in churches, coffee shops and bars. After earning her college degree she made the move to Nashville to further her career as a country music artist. Kinsey has released several albums and singles since moving to Nashville. In 2015 she released her album, Fair Weather Love (featuring grammy awarded, Vince Gill). She toured with gospel group Highroad, for several years and was nominated for a Grammy in 2020 on a bluegrass gospel album she was featured on.  She continues to write and has new music to be released in 2024 and 2025. Kinsey has been performing overseas for several years at some of the biggest country festivals including France, Denmark, Norway, and the UK. She has just returned from a spring tour in Australia and a summer tour in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Spain. 

Packinghouse Women’s Worship Band

Coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the conference free to attend?

Yes, the conference is free to attend.  A free-will offering will be taken to help offset the costs.  However you are not under obligation to give. Please only give if you feel lead.

Is the conference open to the public?

Yes, all women regardless of church attendance are welcome to come. Please register so we know to prepare for you.

Can men come?

No, this is specifically an event for women.  Please check back with The Packinghouse for men’s special events.

Can I bring my children?

While this is a women’s conference, some young girls/teens may benefit from being a part of this event.  However we cannot guarantee the content will be appropriate for younger ears as more difficult topics may be discussed in testimony or session. This is up to the mother’s discretion.

Is childcare provided?

There is childcare available for children ages 3 months old to 3 years old. Space is limited so please register each child that you plan on needing care for.  Childcare is only available for mothers or full-time care givers attending the conference.  

For nursing mothers or mothers with fussy babies, we have a private mother’s room and a family room in the back on both sides of the sanctuary.  You will still be able to see and hear the speaker while caring for your little one.

Also please note that we are strictly a peanut-free facility.  So no snacks containing peanut ingredients of any kind will be allowed for safety reasons. Thank you for understanding.

Will the Cafe & Bookstore be open?

Yes.  Specific hours TBA

Are food and drink allowed in the sanctuary?

We ask that you please finish your food and drink in the lobby or cafe before you come in the sanctuary.  There are TVs in the lobby and cafe where you can watch the live feed.

What will the conference program be?

We are excited to have Susie Larson as our guest speaker this year and Kinsey Rose as our guest musician.  We will also be lead in worship by our very own Packinghouse Women’s Worship Band.  We do not have workshops or breakout sessions offered.  

Will there be any merchandise for sale?

Yes, both Susie Larson and Kinsey Rose will have a merch table

Packinghouse Women’s Ministry

Ministry of Packinghouse Christian Fellowship in Redlands, CA

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