Register for a mid-week group!

This year we will be diving into the book of Hebrews together. We begin each time with worship and a teaching. Then we break into small groups for discussion and prayer. The Bible study books are available to purchase in the church bookstore. Childcare for ages 3 months - 11 years is available on both Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday nights only, there will also be youth ministry for 12-17 years.  

Please register below by clicking the corresponding link.

Click on the Calendar tab at the top of the page to see the weekly schedules.

See you soon!

Tuesday Evening Study

Prayer Room at 6:30 PM

(left of stage)

Wednesday Morning Study

Second Floor at 9:30 AM

Creative Hands

Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Music Room

(right of stage)

Join us for a gathering of faith, fellowship and service.

No childcare.


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Contact Us

A ministry of The Packinghouse Christian Fellowship.  Please call the church office for any questions.

27165 San Bernardino Avenue :: Redlands, CA 92374 :: (909) 793-8744

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